Thursday, November 19, 2009


Yesterday as we were sitting at our table having breakfast, the dishes started to rattle, and the table started to move. At first I thought it was just a big truck driving by, but then I remembered that we live on a dead end and there are no roads by our house...we realized all at once that this was an EARTHQUAKE! We excitedly got up and ran outside (not what you are supposed to do apparently) and could feel the ground swaying. It was quite surreal. I found out later at work that it was a 5.1 on the richter scale, and the epicenter was about 50 miles away. Everyone here was very blase about the whole thing, as they are used to it, and it wasn't a very big one anyways. They told me that you are supposed to get under a table during an earthquake....

I have lost my earthquake virginity...

1 comment:

  1. An earthquake? that was amazing, at least now you know what to do, not run outside. Many adventures.
