Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Where are all the limes? There seems to be an abundance of lemons, but limes are nowhere to be seen. I think we've taken for granted limes in the U.S. We used them all the time without even thinking. Now when we make guacamole, we have to use lemons! Sacrilege! The rumor is that if you do find a lime, it will cost you $10. Probably an exaggeration but still. We will be looking, and when we find them, we are buying in bulk.

My second observation today is in regards to mental health. We have learned that depression, domestic violence, psychiatry in general, are taboo topics in the kiwi culture. If we bring them up as concerned physicians, we end up offending and angering patients...It seems as though people are being treated for mental illness, but it is not spoken about or labeled as such. One interesting story in the news is that the ACC (accident compensation corporation) which usually pays for full care after accidents or injuries, only wants to pay for care of people who have been sexually assaulted if there is proof that they are "suffering from mental illness" after the fact. Crazy! And since, no one wants to believe that there is mental illness in NZ, no one will get any care. Lot of room for growth anyways. Makes us appreciate the u.s. a little bit more where I think there have been great efforts to destigmatize mental illness. Cultural lessons....


  1. This is very interesting, primitive actually for a culture such as this. I wonder why it is this way? Were they settled by the stoic norwegians or finnish? (if you don't say it it anin't so?) maybe I should come and study and then tax deductible!
